
{Kacie} Sacramento Newborn Photographer

One of my favorite Sessions is a Newborn Session.  They are so tiny and adorable and you can usually prop and pose them however you want…when they’re asleep, that is.  But when they refuse to fall asleep, they aren’t so ‘morphable’…but still amazingly beautiful and so fun to photograph!

Baby Kacie was one of those babies that didn’t want to miss out on anything, so she fought hard not to fall asleep.  I’m pretty sure we tried everything…even turning on the vacuum cleaner to see if the noise would calm her (as this has worked several times in the past!).  Nothing.

Okay, so next option…shoot everything while she’s wide awake.  Typically babies that young want to be curled up in a ball, legs sort of froglike, up against their little bodies.  Well, not so much with Kacie, she wanted to spread her wings, stretch them long baby limbs out!  I have a lot of patience with newborns and babies, so we just patiently worked our way thru the Session and by the time we were done, baby Kacie was a professional model!  She was just too cute for words…here she is.

Njoy some of our favs from her Session!